4.6 Billion Colors
Color Match Anything
65,536 Dimming Steps
No Low-end Trim Flickering
1:1 Factory Cloning
Calibrated for 1-Step Color Consistency
6 DMX channels in 1
1–4 RGBW and 5-6 Tuneable White

Rapid-Mix Color

ColourLine RGBW Fixtures provide the quickest color mixing in the industry. The SSL ColourQuick technology enables our ColourLine Interior Cove and Grazer to mix instantaneously, within one inch.

Colour Quick Logo
Colour Clone

Tru-Color RGBW Matching

As part of our manufacturing process, SSL Automated Manufacturing Robots calibrate every fixture to the exact same X,Y color coordinates to provide Step-1 like consistency. This process enables every fixture to be an exact clone. At the end of the process, a bar code is generated for every board. This allows for exact matching for job add-ons or warranty replacements.

Smooth Low-Trim Dimming

Standard dimming technology uses 8-bit resolution for 256 individual steps. Our 32-bit on-board MCU uses SSL developed software to provide 16-bit resolution that allows 65,536 steps of resolution and only use 8-bits of addressing space! We also use a logarithmic delineation of the resolution to concentrate in the lower third of the dimming curve so the low-end dimming and color transitions have zero flicker

Colour Soft Logo
Colour Mode Logo

RGBW & Tunable White In One

SSL uses Digital Dual Mode (DDM) technology to provide RGBW and Tuneable White in one fixture! SSL firmware is designed to use 6 DMX channels in the DDM Personality Mode. Maximum Mood Enhancement is available to use for any type of environment. Channels 1-4 are reserved for RGBW. Channels 5-6 are used for White color tuning. Channel 5 controls intensity, channel 6 controls White color.